Garden supplies eshop

Technology: Prestashop, custom design, responsive mobile version, special filters

Project description

Eshop Kovako deals with the sale of irrigation systems, irrigation control units and many other gardening products. The assortment of the eshop is quite wide, it contains over 5000 products. The whole structure of the shopping system needed to be adapted, categorization and product filtering developed. Prestashop was used as a platform. Due to the size of the irrigation products portfolio, not to mention other categories, a special mobile version needed to be designed. You can see the result in the images below.

Tvorba eshopov prestashop
Web design

Web design / UI /UX

Programovanie na mieru

Customized Prestashop

Nákupný proces

Purchasing process

Mobilná verzia

Mobile version

Thumbnails kovako



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